A big thank you to everyone at MiNilla for creating a scented candle that is sold for the benefit of Happy Child and our children.
The candle costs SEK 199 and the whole profit goes to Happy Child.
Do you want to give yourself or a friend a fragrant gift and at the same time give one of our children 19 meals, you can buy the candle from their online store https://www.minilla.se/hemmet/minilla/doftljus-gor-gott-fa- good-lemongrass
If you live in Stockholm, we suggest you visit their lovely shop on Fleminggatan 69.
Mia tells herself why they have chosen to do this for us and our children:
“Happy Child Home is an important place for us at MiNilla.
We have been involved since the beginning when the home was build.
It's an amazing feeling to have had the chance to follow the children over the years. It is always just as wonderful to visit, meet the children, the staff and the occasional resident dog.
The knowledge that the children living there, who have been affected in various ways by the injustices of life, gets a chance at a brighter future. Seeing children who did not really have an honest chance, go ahead and even study at university, gives us incredible joy. We at MiNilla are proud to contribute in our way, now with this scented candle where all the profits go to the children. ”